2 in 1: Hydromette BL A plus

The possibilities offered by (the) high-precision resistance-based measurement method and the non-destructive capacitive measuring method are now combined in one compact measuring instrument: the Hydromette BL A plus. It is perfectly suitable for determining the moisture content of sawn timber (up to 180 mm thick), chipboard and veneer. The Hydromette is equipped with a high-quality measuring amplifier and an OLED display. The new ResCap mode combines the accuracy of the resistance-based measurement method with the easy handling of the capacitive measuring mode.
The resistance-based measuring mode features a wood species selector for more than 300 species as well as a temperature compensation device, which is manually adjustable.
The capacitive measuring method enables fast measurement, for it is not necessary to drive any electrodes into the wood. Wood species correction is available for more than 50 species.
Limit values can be set freely. If a measured value crosses such a threshold, the meter will indicate this through a flashing LED.
The Hydromette BL A plus will be presented during the “LIGNA 2019” trade fair in Hannover (27th to 31th May).
To Hydromette BL A plus